Soothing and relaxing bath salts which leave the skin silky, smooth and toned. Epsom salts help to pull toxins away from the joints and are great for tired muscles. Sea salt is a natural skin softener. Use before bed time to encourage relaxation and restful healthy sleep.
A wonderful blend of lavender & chamomile formulated by professional aromatherapists to release stress and promote relaxation and restful sleep.
A smoothing cream for chapped skin.Helps soften rough hands & deeply moisturise after connection with the earth.
Hand made with patchouli for grounding, relaxation and connecting with nature and warming lavender which can help ease tired, sore muscles.
Formulated to bring relief from back pain and aching muscles.
Spray to help clear negative energy and protect against air borne germs. Also excellent as an insect repellent spray
A natural anti-bacterial, deodorising treatment for rough skin on aching feet & cracked heels.
A deodorising 'pick me up' for the feet. Epsom salts help to pull toxins away from the joints and are great for tired muscles.
An energy clearing spray to spray around you when feeling fraught, overwhelmed or anxious. Helps restore belief in yourself.
A richly moisturising treatment for fine surface capillaries and superb therapy for anxiety, this natural moisturiser offers a holistic solution to sensitive or problem skin.
An anti depressant spray to soothe and uplift your emotions and clear negative apathy.
A rich moisturising holistic body scrub blended with Avocado oil for dry skin and Rose absolute & Geranium essential oils to hydrate, re-balance the skin and to help emotionally.
Formulated by professional aromatherapists to soothe the spirit and help find a sense of peacefulness & love. Lovely to use when feeling low, tired or plain fed up! Emotionally restoring at a deep level in the psyche.
Strongest concentration of essential oils so effective if feeling depleted and giving out more than you are getting back. Lovely for the ‘winter blues’.
Epsom salts and Dead sea salts with Neroli and tangerine for tight, sore muscles and a tired mind. Emotionally uplifting and physically de-toxing.
Massage regularly and deeply into your body to allow the amazing energy to seep through your senses.
A negative energy clearing soak, to help you regain a sense of hope in the most trying situations.
Excellent for insect bites and anything that needs a good Zap with natural anti bacterial essential oils
Massage everyday to help regulate your cycle and thereby reduce the pain associated with painful spasms.
Massage regularly to help the hormones decline in balance to reduce the negative effects of the symptoms
An effective blend of essential oils specifically chosen to help with anxiety and panic attacks. All Blended in a base of sweet almond oil ready for immediate use.
Use to prepare for sport and use to reduce lactic acid build up after exercise. A secret weapon to improve sporting performance!
This blend of soothing oils is wonderful for delicate & easily irritated skin.