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    Positive Mindset Collection

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Organic facial skincare for problem, mature & sensitive skin

Every single ingredient used in our products is natural. We simply use essential oils, herbs, flowers, minerals and plant oils. No artificial preservatives, stabilisers, parabens, foaming agents, artificial fragrance, or propellants are ever used.

Our products hand made in small batches with care and love! Experience the joy of restorative plant blends with their real plant energy intact. Everything we produce is minimally processed to safeguard the plant’s amazing, powerful energy.

Made with healing intent our products will not only enhance your beauty but also help you to look yourself emotionally. Feel a deeper connection to nature and our planet – that will naturally sustain us and heal us if we allow it to.

We’re proud to have been making natural skin and bodycare products since 2001. Using our years of experience as natural healers we use only the finest ingredients carefully chosen for their therapeutic ability to heal the body and the mind.