
For Support with;

Sleep and relaxation try the Spray, Bath and massage oil, Soak, Body butter and Hand cream

Healthy joints and muscles try the Bath and massage oil and soak

Inflamed and sensitive skin try the Body butter and Hand cream.

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    Positive Mindset Collection

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  • Simply Relaxing Body Butter

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  • Simply Relaxing Hand and Nail Cream

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Physical Benefits

Wonderful moisturiser for soothing sensitive skin. Helps support healthy restoring sleep. Lovely to rub into sore joints and muscles.

Emotional Benefits

Relaxing and stress relieving. Can help relieve anxiety and lower heart rate, blood pressure and promotes calming. Can help relieve restlessness and nervous tension

Energetic Benefits

Can help unwanted thoughts going around and around. Calming and soothing to a troubled mind.

Positive Mindset Collection
Night Night, Sleep Tight Collection
Eczema Soothing Collection
Aura Spray Bundle
Simply Relaxing Evening Spray

Spray to help relax after a stressful day or spray in the bedroom at night to help encourage restful sleep. Can help bring a feeling of relaxation and stop unwanted thoughts going around and around.

Simply Relaxing Hand and Nail Cream

This high quality, hand-made cream.   It contains no artificial additives so is gentle on sensitive skin. The essential oils of lavender and chamomile are excellent for dry sensitive skin, with calendula oil for soothing the skin.

Simply Relaxing Body Butter

With lavender, chamomile & calendula oil, plus shea nut butter, this is a wondeful, preventative daily treatment for sensitive skin. Formulated by professional aromatherapists to treat irritated or inflamed skin. The essential oils and flower remedy can help release a lot of stress and help relaxation.

Simply Relaxing Body Soak

Soothing and relaxing bath salts which leave the skin silky, smooth and toned. Epsom salts help to pull toxins away from the joints and are great for tired muscles. Sea salt is a natural skin softener. Use before bed time to encourage relaxation and restful healthy sleep.

Simply Relaxing Bath and Massage Oil

A wonderful blend of lavender & chamomile formulated by professional aromatherapists to release stress and promote relaxation and restful sleep.