We have five possible products. Which one is right for you?

The most powerful product for aching joints is the Healthy Joints oil. Originally when we first launched it we called it Tissue repair oil. I would say it is our best selling product and infuriatingly it is the only one I didn’t formulate! I learnt this recipe on my Herbalism course and it is really really popular. Apparently the same recipe (not made by us) is used by the River Dance team!

To comply with a change in legislation we had to re-name this as we can only claim to support healthy joints rather than heal damaged joints. Whatever.
It is lovely to use directly onto the joint as a deeply penetrating massage oil. As always people have given us feedback over the years and customers also like to put a capful into a bowl of warm water to soak hands or feet just before bedtime. This can help get a good night’s sleep.

The Simply Relaxing bath and massage oil is actually very good for painful joints but also helps with sleep and relaxation and is lovely to help soften your skin. If you put some in your bath when you get out your skin is moisturised all over and you will have absorbed the benefits of Lavender and chamomile essential oils. The chamomile is particularly good for improving the quality of sleep especially nightmares. People that have been bereaved and have trouble sleeping have said that the soothing effects of Simply relaxing have been really helpful.

There is also the Simply Relaxing body soak which is lovely just to sniff if you feel like you are getting all wound up. You don’t have to actually have a bath to get the benefits, just use them as holistic smelling salts. Of course, if you were to put them in your bath the combination of the Epsom salts, the Dead sea salts with their wonderful soothing effects on tight muscles combined with the emotional effects of Lavender and chamomile essential oils is deeply relaxing both to mind and body. You can mix the two together to make a soothing oily salty scrub then just get in the bath and let the wonderful oils get to work.

There is a Bath and massage oil and a Body soak in the Secret Garden range as well.

I love these as I often struggle with not being grounded. Before I know it I am zooming around with racing random thoughts, losing a sense of perspective and leaving myself wide open to negativity. In order to ground myself I like to paint as this seems to calm me down but I also like to smell the Secret garden body soak as the Patchouli is just wonderful for helping to connect you with the earth. Many people remember Patchouli as being very popular as an aid to meditation. I find this grounding to massage into my feet at night. Walking with bare feet on grass can also be an effective way to ground yourself and often that in turn, helps with aches and pains. Its quite amazing feeling to feel the stressy energy leave you its almost lie a tingling down your spine.

I hope this helps and that you enjoy finding the right products for you!

Products mentioned in this article

  • Herbal Help Healthy Joints Massage Oil

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