Balancing for combination skin. Packed with vitamin A and herbal power to restore balance to sensitive, oily skin.
A deep rejuvenating cream. An infusion of comfrey leaves is blended with the exotic essential oils of rose absolute & geranium.
A rich holistic day cream to nourish and nurture your skin. Made with Avocado oil & Comfrey oil to repair the skin and help the appearance of fine lines & wrinkles.
Refreshing and naturally fragrant. Soothing for reddened skin. This skin tonic is excellent for re-generating skin cells and can help to strengthen surface capillaries.
An anti-bacterial balm with Tea tree and peppermint essential oils. A rich moisturiser made with Hemp oil, Mango butter, Olive oil and coconut butter for dry, aching feet and shins. Naturally anti-fungal anti antiseptic.
A lovely supportive decongesting mix that is effective to use to support your immune system in the winter or to use to alleviate symptoms.
To repair broken capillaries and reduce redness.
For reducing the lumpiness and redness of scar tissue. Can be used on old scars as well.
Amazingly effective for preventing stretch marks.
100% natural and unfragranced.
A wonderful blend of lavender & chamomile formulated by professional aromatherapists to release stress and promote relaxation and restful sleep.
Formulated to bring relief from back pain and aching muscles.
Formulated by professional aromatherapists to soothe the spirit and help find a sense of peacefulness & love. Lovely to use when feeling low, tired or plain fed up! Emotionally restoring at a deep level in the psyche.
Strongest concentration of essential oils so effective if feeling depleted and giving out more than you are getting back. Lovely for the ‘winter blues’.
Massage regularly and deeply into your body to allow the amazing energy to seep through your senses.
Massage everyday to help regulate your cycle and thereby reduce the pain associated with painful spasms.
Massage regularly to help the hormones decline in balance to reduce the negative effects of the symptoms
An effective blend of essential oils specifically chosen to help with anxiety and panic attacks. All Blended in a base of sweet almond oil ready for immediate use.
Use to prepare for sport and use to reduce lactic acid build up after exercise. A secret weapon to improve sporting performance!
A light scrub that is nutritive, gentle and effective. Holistically working to support mind as well as body. A well being must have.
A tiny little pot of anti- inflammatory natural goodness that can take years off! To reduce the puffiness helps so much with the appearance of your eyes. It’s lovely and soothing emotionally as well.
A gentle, non drying formula for sensitive skin.
A treatment oil for lovely glossiness and shine. Wonderful as a treatment oil for dandruff and dry scalp.
A treatment oil to stimulate new hair growth and prevent premature hair loss, particularly if stress related
A totally pure, natural, unfragranced serum for deeply cleansing the face. Protects the outer lipid layer of the face to help reduce breakout. Gentle yet effective. For daily use.