
Organic Jojoba Oil

Closest in chemical composition to our own sebum

Natural SPF of 5. Mimics natural sebum of the skin so helps to balance sebum production thus helping oily skin as can convince skin that enough Sebum has been produced thus helping with breakout. High concentration of Vitamins A, B1, B6 and iodine so wonderful for anti aging

Rich in vitamin E so a wonderful antioxidant

Plant wax mimics skin collagen so helpful for plumping out the skin and restoring elasticity. Hypo allergenic. Naturally Anti fungal anti inflammatory

  • A tiny little pot of anti- inflammatory natural goodness that can take years off! To reduce the puffiness helps so much with the appearance of your eyes. It’s lovely and soothing emotionally as well.
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  • A cleansing and restoring oil wonderful first soothing sensitized skin. Cleanses gently and thoroughly. Unfragranced.
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