
A wonderfully effective, completely natural treatment for cellulite.

Jojoba oil helps emulsify the fats beneath the surface of the skin and the essential oils are de-toxing so help the tissues release the congestion.

Has to be tried to be believed.

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Physical Benefits

Massaging with the essential oils helps the process of elimination so the oiliness of the body butter, scrub and massage oil help improve the circulation which helps eliminate the toxins.

Emotional Benefits

Calming and grounding. Can be releasing if keeping resentment bottled up inside. Helpful for finding clarity if feeling overwhelmed by contradictions.

Energetic Benefits

Stimulating and invigorating. Can help boost your mood and supportive for nervous exhaustion.

Anti-Cellulite Massage Oil

This blend has been formulated by professional aromatherapists to help eliminate toxins, improve circulation, fight infection in connective tissue and help emulsify fats below the surface of the skin.

Anti-Cellulite Body Butter

A detoxing body butter to be used as the moisturising stage of the cellulite removal programme.

Anti-cellulite Body Scrub

An exfoliating cream scrub to draw out toxins, eliminate waste and improve circulation.