About Mother Earth Healing

At Mother Earth we are committed to bringing you products to help stop the widespread use of artifcial chemicals that are damaging our health, our beauty, our emotional well being and our planet.

We create fascinating products from nature to heal, enhance and even transform your wellbeing. And none of our products are tested on animals.

Using our years of experience as natural healers we use only the finest ingredients carefully chosen for their therapeutic ability to heal the body and the mind.

We have called on centuries of herbal knowledge and ancient wisdom. Based on the passionate study of herbs and essential oils and over 25 years experience of working as a holistic therapist.

Mother Earth products will help you discover the healthy, beautiful and well balanced you. All our products are minimally processed to safeguard their amazing, powerful energy.

As we all battle against chemical pollution and irritants, Mother Earth make products with no artificial chemicals, parabens, no artificial fragrance oils or preservatives.

Experience the joy of restorative plant blends with their real plant energy intact!